If you are using the eFAX tool, you likely already have access to the other tools in the Med Dialog communications package. One of the features in the package is a tool called eReferral (not to be confused with the provincial eReferral system). This tool essentially enables you to communicate between EMRs. Do you have a consultant colleague on their own EMR to whom you are trying to refer a patient and wish you could send more than just the consult letter? Would you like to send the charts of your patients with Diabetes to the regional Diabetes Collaborative? Would you simply like to send a fellow Family Doctor the chart of a patient who has moved? eReferral can help you do all these things electronically!

While it is a generally useful feature, we see the eReferral tool as critical to the work of Family Care Teams and the Blended Capitation model and would like to provide you with financial and workflow support to use it. The province has provided funding to allow you to avail of this tool at no charge. Please reach out to info@edocsnl.ca for training and support and for details of how we can support you financially to use this feature.

To see a short video demo of the eReferral functionality in action, please click here.