Blended Capitation
With the Blended Capitation payment model set to launch on April 1, 2024, interested practices are preparing for the release.
The Blended Capitation model is administered by the Family Practice Renewal Program, which is jointly governed by the Department of Health and the NLMA. eDOCSNL is involved solely in the technology aspects of the model and supporting EMR users with the billing functionality required to support the model. Program and policy related questions about the Blended Capitation Model should be directed to the Family Practice Renewal Program, while questions about MCP process should be directed to MCP itself.
eDOCSNL will support the technology implementation of the Blended Capitation model with personalized support for clinics onboarding to the model. As the date approaches, we will publish supporting documentation and help videos for those who would like to familiarize themselves with the technology solution before going live.
The topic of rostering is a hot topic about which many prospective participants in the model have questions. eDOCSNL would like to specifically point out that, while there is a “Rostered” button in demographics (image below), it will not be used for the purposes of Blended Capitation. More information will be forthcoming about how patients will be rostered specifically for the purpose of Blended Capitation, it will not involve the use of this field.