The province has approved a move to a replacement for Meditech, the Epic Clinical Information System This may be creating some confusion in the EMR community as to whether this product is intended to replace Med Access for users of eDOCSNL. To date we have not received any indication that this is the intention, a full evaluation is planned to ascertain whether Epic represents a viable solution that could replace Med Access in any setting where it is used and this evaluation is currently in planning phase only. The program will continue to deploy, develop and support Med Access to meet the needs of providers in NL for the time being.

In the meantime, eDOCSNL has been significantly impacted by the Epic Project, in that the program has lost several key resources to the Epic project team. This impacts all aspects of program work, so you may experience some delays in response times to support requests. There are other pieces of work the program has been doing with partners and stakeholders that may have to pause temporarily. Some of you may have been involved in some of these projects and we apologize for the disruption. We are hoping to fill the resource gaps as quickly as possible so we can get back to our normal service level.