Webinars, Help Videos & How To’s

eDOCSNL is committed to providing information to support your EMR use and to ensure that you are able to leverage the clinical value and efficiency features of the EMR.

Contact us at info@edocsnl.ca if you would like a resource added to this page.

Logging in and Navigating Med Access
Using 2 Factor Authentication
Navigating a Patient Record
Merging duplicate charts
Modifying patient demographics
Recording a Visit Note
Adding Profile Items
Using electronic requisitions (ordering DI, labs, etc)
Importing documents into EMR
Linking imported documents to patient charts
Making sense of your daysheet
Searching for forms and setting favorites
More Telus Staff Help Videos
More Telus Provider Help Video

March 2024: The Diabetes CDS Mini-template, Goals and Triggers, the Provincial Billing Dashboard
January 2024: WorkplaceNL template, Choosing Wisely antimicrobial tools, sending medication D/C to pharmacy
February 2024: Sharing Patient Charts and Communicating across EMRs
December 2023: Diabetes, Preventive Care and Screening Tools
Learning Series Video 1: Macros
Learning Series Video 2: Using Care Plans
Learning Series Video 3: Working With Goals
Learning Series Video 4: View-only Accounts
Note that these videos are not intended as a substitute for full Telus training
