As the program matures, eDOCSNL is seeing more and more provider movement. Providers retire from practice, leave EMR based clinics or transition from one EMR clinic to another. Prompt notice of your decision to leave is required so we can manage your transition to minimize inconvenience and patient safety risk. We felt it would be useful to make a guide for providers on what to do when leaving an EMR clinic.

If you plan to withdraw from the eDOCSNL program, you must provide 90 days written notice. To notify eDOCSNL, please complete the ‘Termination/Withdrawal Notification’ form and email it to Informing eDOCSNL that you wish to withdraw allows the program to determine if paper results delivery should be turned back on – helping to avoid gaps in care and ensure patient safety. It also ensures you won’t continue to be charged the subscription fee.

There are also professional and medicolegal considerations when leaving practice and Providers need to investigate with their regulatory bodies as to how to do this properly. Providers needing some specific guidance through the retirement process from an EMR perspective should refer to this document, while those who are leaving an EMR-based clinic without retiring from practice should refer to this document.