Request a Form
Most of the provincial and regional requisitions relevant to primary practice are already in Med Access. Please have a look through the template library to see if what you are looking for is already there. If you need some help with this, please reach out to the program through You may encounter situations where a requisition or service referral has not yet been built. In most cases, these forms will already be in the process of being completed but to ensure that your needs have been addressed please contact the program.

As per the policy approved by the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) Management Committee regarding the creation of forms (which can be found here), eDOCSNL is not responsible to create or prepare private forms or inter-departmental forms and the requesting party will be referred to the vendor. These forms may be built by the eDOCSNL Program and loaded locally into a particular instance of MedAccess EMR if deemed necessary and at the discretion of eDOCSNL.