EMR Data Extract

A subset of EMR Data is in the process of transitioning to the provincial data lab for all users who currently document in the EMR. A smaller subset of the EMR data is planned to flow to HEALTHeNL to be available to view by end users of that system. The data elements being extracted were approved by the EMR Data Governance and Management Committees can be found below. This work is being carried out in compliance with privacy legislation and through the agreement of all partners in the EMR program.

The uses of and approval processes for secondary uses of this data are detailed in the Information Management Framework, a policy approved by the EMR Management Committee, and can be found below.

Shared EMR Data Elements

Policies and procedures will be implemented on the collection, use and disclosure of EMR Data. Currently, the following data elements have been reviewed and approved for use by the EMR Management Committee.  This list will be expanded as more valuable data elements are identified and approved for extract.  Users will be notified as the list of elements expands and the following list will be updated.

Data Elements for Secondary Use

EMR Data Extract One-pager

Information Management Framework

The EMR Management Committee has approved an Information Management Framework for the use and disclosure of EMR Data which specifies the data elements to be disclosed, the purposes for which the data is being disclosed, and any appropriate limitations on use of the data.

Information Management Framework