Frequently Asked Questions


What is eDOCSNL?

What is an EMR?

What are the benefits of an EMR?

What information does an EMR contain?

How do I advance my EMR use?

What is Practice 360?

I am a specialist, is the EMR designed to meet my unique workflow needs?


What does it cost to use eDOCSNL in a clinic? 

When will I receive an invoice? 

How can I pay my bill?

Getting Started

I am interested in enrolling but would like more information. Who do I contact?

What is included with my EMR?

I am using another EMR system now, what is the process to change over?

How long does it take to get an EMR setup in my clinic? 


Who do I contact for technical support? 

Where can I find resources and training material? 

Is there training available?

Changing Clinics/Locums

What should I do if I plan to retire or move? 

I am using an EMR in my current clinic but am planning to move. What should I do?

I am a locum; how do I get access to the clinic’s EMR?


What are eResults? What results can I review electronically?  

Virtual Care

Are there virtual care technologies available through the EMR?


Is eDOCSNL secure?

Is patient information kept private? Who can access the information in my EMR?